
Sostenibilidad - Fadesa
Sostenibilidad - Fadesa
Sustainable - Fadesa

At Fadesa we are committed to fulfill
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
with concrete actions everyday.

Quality Education

Through educational scholarships offered by Fundación Vilaseca.

Decent work and economic growth

Generating employment for more than 1,000 people.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Innovating processes and materials to transform the industry.

Responsible consumption and production

Properly managing our waste and raising circular economy alternatives.

This way we show our commitment to social and business responsibility,

watching over human rights, good labor conditions, caring for the environment, and fighting corruption.

The transformation in numbers

Download our Sustainability Report 2021


Sustainability is a fundamental mainstay for Fadesa. This is why since 2018 we have published our Sustainability Report. This extremely important document allows us to understand the effects that our activities can generate, and also to make visible and public the efforts and resources we use to mitigate them.

Check out our Sustainability Report to get to know Fadesa better and find out the numbers of our performance and economic, environmental and social impact, within our mission of transforming the industry with sustainability.

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

This is our commitment to:

  • Quality and safety of our products.
  • Health and safety conditions of our collaborators.
  • Caring for the environment.
  • Sustainability of our operations.
  • The control and security of our Logistics Chain.

Get to know our Integrated Policy


Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

We’ve been recognized
as a socially
responsible company!

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

Quality of life
at the company

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

Ethics and corporate

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

with the community

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

Conservation of
the environment

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

Sostenibilidad - Fadesa

Through Fundación Vilaseca, we look forward to generating a positive impact on our collaborators and their families, especially on education matters.

Throughout 2021, 469 persons benefited from different scholarship programs and alliances with the best academic institutions.

We transform our collaborators, their families and community’s lives.

Conduct Code

The Conduct Code is a document that establishes the guidelines that govern the ethical behavior of our employees and administrators in their daily performance.

These commitments will allow us to strengthen our management in a responsible and sustainable manner to safeguard Fadesa’s reputation, one of our most valuable assets.

Get to know our Code of Conduct


Sostenibilidad - Fadesa