Nuestra gente


Declaración de cultura

At Fadesa we embrace a culture of transformation as a pillar for our growth and development. We make things simple, fast and agile, being efficient and continuously improving in each and every one of our tasks, through innovation and empowerment given to us by our leaders. Fadesa is an integrated and cooperative team that shows its commitment through compliance, adding value, generating results, quality, and continuous learning in connection with the needs of our stakeholders.

At Fadesa, we believe that thinking big with social and environmental awareness allows us to transform the industry and take the organization further. We see uncertainty as part of the path that we know how to manage thanks to our passion for what we do and the example and permanent recognition we receive, which leads us to feel like a team that self-manages its own path towards high performance.


We take care of our people

We provide social benefits that seek to provide
comprehensive welfare and peace of mind to our employees and
their families. Our staff has:

Seguro de vida

Life insurance

Seguro médico

Medical insurance

Horarios flexibles

Flexible schedules

Servicio de comedor

Dining room

Espacios deportivos

Recreational spaces

Cooperativa de ahorro

Savings cooperative

Día libre en su cumpleaños

Day off on
their birthday

Programas educativos para sus hijos

Educational programs
for their children

Planes de capacitación, entrenamiento y desarrollo

Training, coaching
and development plans

Programas de bienestar social

Social welfare

We have grown together with our people

We design and develop training and career plans for
our employees. Learn about our talent programs
and recognition plans:

Talent Programs:

Programa de Pasantías UNE

UNE Internship

Escuela de Montacarguista


Academia Especializada de Operaciones


Recognition plans:

Talentos en Movimiento

in Motion

Talentos por Ciento

Talents by

Hacemos la diferencia

We make a

Te invitamos  a registrarte en  nuestra base datos

We invite you
to register in
our database

We will be in contact with you soon!